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In FY 2024, FEMA awarded to the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) National Board $117 million made available under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, (Pub. L. No. 118-47). The FY 2024 $117 million in annual funding is Phase 42 of the program.


This notification is to advise that awards have been made to qualifying jurisdictions (counties and cities) and State Set-Aside (SSA) Committees across the country and have been posted on the EFSP website,, under FY2021/ARPAR/2022/2023/2024 Funding, then select Phase 42 (FY2024) Allocations. Required National Board processes are underway for completion prior to the actual announcement of awards. Once the processes have been completed and National Board staff have finished updating materials to account for new program policies and procedures, including within the EFSP Responsibilities and Requirements Manual (EFSP Manual), official award announcements will be made to each chair and point of contact (POC) for qualifying Local Boards and SSA Committees.


The National Board determines the deadline for Local Boards to submit their Local Board Plans (LBPs) and SSA Committees to submit their plans after they are made available on the EFSP website. An email notification will be sent to both the chair and point of contact for each funded jurisdiction and SSA Committee.


In an effort to release funds to communities quickly so that agencies may provide food and shelter services, beginning with Phase 42, the National Board will require that Local Boards and SSA Committees submit their Local Board Plans and SSA Committee plans to the National Board by the published deadline. Local Boards and SSA Committees will be given 90 days to convene and submit their plans to the National Board via the EFSP website to claim their awards.


Throughout the process, EFSP staff will provide consultation and technical assistance to Local Boards and SSA Committees as needed. Staff will offer webinar training sessions to provide additional information regarding this important change to the program guidance.


To prepare for the receipt of Phase 42 award notifications and to ensure there is no delay in receipt of notifications from the National Board, Local Board and SSA Committee chairs or points of contact should sign into the EFSP website as soon as possible using their user ID and password to verify and update pertinent information.


There are a few reminders the National Board wishes to share regarding the Phases 39, ARPAR, 40 and 41 Local Board Plans and Final Reports while Phase 42 award materials are being finalized. The deadlines to submit the plans have passed; however, if your jurisdiction was funded in any of these phases and you have not submitted the Local Board Plans to claim the awards, please submit them to prevent the loss of funding to your community. Training and guidance to complete and submit Local Board Plans to the National Board are available on the EFSP website in the Training Workshops Section after logging in with your user ID and password.


The deadline to submit Final Reports for Phases 37, 38 and CARES has passed. If your jurisdiction received funds in any of these phases but the Local Board has not submitted the Final Reports, please submit them to the National Board immediately. Funding cannot be released to agencies if the Final Reports from previous phases have not been submitted to the National Board for review and approval. Training and guidance to complete and submit Final Reports to the National Board are available on the EFSP website in the Training Workshops Section. It is important to note that agencies with outstanding compliance exceptions in any past phases cannot be paid funds until those exceptions have been resolved.


For additional details and information on Phase 42 funding, the important change regarding board plan submission, actions required and reminders, please click on this link. If you have questions regarding this notice, please reach out to EFSP staff via email at or phone at 703.706.9660.


Recent OMB memorandum and executive orders (Jan/Feb 2025)

On January 27, 2025, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a memorandum to federal agencies, requiring a temporary pause on all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance, and other relevant agency activities that may be implicated by the recent executive orders. OMB has rescinded this memorandum.


The Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) National Board recognizes that the memorandum and the recent executive orders may have created a great amount of uncertainty and anxiety for the Local Boards and Local Recipient Organizations participating in the program.  The National Board is working closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to better understand and respond to the anticipated impact on the EFSP and the program participants.  EFSP staff will provide timely updates on the program’s web page as more information becomes available.